Is a Veneer the Best Treatment for an Overbite?

Is a Veneer the Best Treatment for an Overbite?

January 19, 2023

Having perfectly bright and well-aligned teeth can positively impact your smile and self-confidence. When dealing with dental flaws and imperfections, a dental veneer is an ideal and cost-effective option to transform your smile.

In this article, let’s learn what dental veneers are and whether they are effective for overbites.

What are Dental Veneers?

Teeth veneers are thin porcelain or composite shells that are adhered to a tooth. Veneers are custom-made to improve teeth’ appearance, size, and shape. The veneer only covers the front part of the tooth.

To place the veneer, the dentist must shave a minor part of the tooth’s enamel to allow the veneer to fit perfectly without looking bulky or abnormal. A veneer can correct minor dental imperfections like:

  • Teeth chips or cracks
  • Teeth yellowing, discoloration, and stains
  • Improper teeth gaps
  • Minor misalignments
  • Short teeth
  • Uneven or misshapen teeth

If you’re considering dental veneers in Danbury, CT, you should begin by scheduling a consultation with our dentist. They will examine your condition and needs to determine whether you’re eligible for the procedure.

What is an Overbite?

An overbite is a type of tooth misalignment where the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth abnormally. In some cases, the upper teeth may even protrude. A severe overbite is a malocclusion.

Teeth overbites can happen due to several factors:

  • Teeth grinding
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Thumb sucking
  • Excess nail biting

Usually, overbites have two types, namely:

  • Horizontal overbite, known as overjet. In this case, the upper teeth push outwards and overlap the lower teeth horizontally.
  • Vertical overbite. In this case, the upper teeth overlap the teeth on the lower jaw vertically.

The severity of an overbite can vary from person to person. A minor overbite is unlikely to cause noticeable health and cosmetic issues. However, moderate to severe overbites can lead to:

  • Cosmetic issues. An overbite can make your smile look and feel less attractive. Correcting the overbite will align your teeth perfectly and give you a beautiful smile.
  • Gum damage. In a severe overbite, the front teeth on the lower jaw can touch the gum line in the back of the front upper teeth, resulting in gum recession, gum disease, and tooth loss.
  • Difficulties in chewing and speaking. Overbites can cause problems pronouncing certain words and eating certain foods.
  • Tooth damage. Severe overbite can cause the upper and lower teeth to hit each other regularly, causing enamel erosion, tooth decay, tooth fractures, and even tooth loss.
  • Sleep apnea. People with severe overbites and small jaw have a higher risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Jaw pain. A misaligned jaw can cause severe jaw pain and headaches and lead to the development of TMJ.

Can you get Veneers with an Overbite?

Dental veneers are for cosmetic purposes like covering teeth chips, stains, and gaps. In rare cases, veneers can correct an overbite. It’s only possible to treat an overbite if it’s minor. Visit your dentist for an exam to determine whether you can get veneers with an overbite.

Best Alternatives for Correcting Overbites

Based on your condition and needs, the dentist or orthodontist can recommend the following treatments to align your smile:

  • Traditional braces. Braces are a common and excellent option for aligning crooked teeth. Braces use wires and brackets attached to the teeth to move them gradually in the desired direction.
  • The treatment uses clear aligner trays worn over the teeth to move them.
  • Tooth extraction. While not common, a severe overbite can cause the need for tooth extraction. In most cases, it enables other teeth to move in the desired direction more easily.
  • If a misaligned jaw causes the overbite, surgery can help re-position the jaw to improve your alignment.

For children, correcting an overbite is easier than for adults. Common childhood treatments of overbites include:

  • Braces to gradually move teeth in the proper alignment
  • Growth modification appliances or palate expanders to re-position the jaw
  • Removal of permanent or baby teeth
  • Retainers to maintain the alignment of the teeth after braces

Schedule an Appointment Today

For more information about dental veneers and overbites? Contact Danbury Smiles – George Landress, DDS, MAGD, to book your appointment today.

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