Danbury CT Dentist Answers 20 Common FAQs about Root Canal Treatment

Danbury CT Dentist Answers 20 Common FAQs about Root Canal Treatment

December 1, 2022

Dental decay is a common dental problem affecting millions. If your tooth is decayed, you can prevent further damage and save your tooth with root canal therapy.

This article provides detailed answers to the 20 most commonly asked questions about root canals that you should know!

    • What is a root canal?

Root canal therapy is an endodontic treatment for removing infected or decayed tooth parts. The dentist seals the tooth to prevent reinfection and further damage.

    • Why is a root canal necessary?

Tooth decay can progress, leading to further damage and tooth loss. It can also result in symptoms like pain, swelling, and abscesses. A root canal is essential to remove the infection, prevent further damage, and save the tooth. It also relieves discomfort and other symptoms of tooth decay.

    • Do I need a root canal?

Several signs can indicate the need for a root canal. These can include:

      • Persistent tooth pain or sensitivity
      • Tooth pain when biting down
      • A fractured, chipped, or broken tooth
      • Swollen, tender, or sensitive gums near a painful tooth
      • Pus-filled pimple (abscess) near an aching tooth
      • Darkening of a painful tooth
      • Sensitivity to hot, cold, and sugary items

Visit a general dentist near you for proper diagnosis and treatment if you have these or other symptoms.

    • How long does a root canal take?

Generally, the length of your treatment primarily depends on the location of the tooth, your dentist or endodontist experience, and the complexity of your root canals. On average, it takes about 30 – 90 minutes. You can complete the treatment in one or two appointments.

    • Does a root canal kill the tooth?

A root canal removes the tooth’s pulp, including the tooth nerves, blood vessels, and other connective tissues. While the tooth is technically dead, it still maintains normal functions like chewing.

    • Can a root canal be used on any infected tooth?

A root canal might not be necessary if decay has eaten a significant part of the tooth. Similarly, sometimes the soft tissues in the canals can harden, making them impossible to clean. Visit your dentist for an exam to determine whether you qualify for a root canal.

    • What if a root canal isn’t possible?

If you’re not eligible for a root canal treatment, tooth extraction might be the only remedy to remove the infection. Later, you can get an implant or bridge to replace the lost tooth.

  • Is a root canal better than tooth removal?

    The dentist will do their best to save your natural tooth whenever possible. Tooth extraction is only essential if they can’t treat a tooth with a root canal. A root canal is cheaper than extracting a tooth and replacing it with an implant or bridge.

  • Does a root canal weaken a tooth?
  • Since a root canal involves removing a tooth’s decayed or damaged parts, the tooth’s structure is significantly weakened. Fortunately, you can reinforce the strength with dental restorations like fillings and crowns.
  • Is a root canal painful?
  • The dentist will numb you to prevent pain and anxiety during the treatment. Therefore, you won’t feel a thing until the anesthesia wears off after the treatment.
  • Will I feel pain after a root canal?
  • You will likely experience minor discomfort and soreness after the procedure after the anesthesia has worn off. Fortunately, the dentist or endodontist will prescribe pain medication to manage your symptoms. You can also use cold therapy remedies. The discomfort will resolve within 2 to 3 days. The good news is that it eliminates the severe pain associated with tooth decay.
  • How can you recover faster?
  • After the procedure, the dentist will give you a few aftercare instructions to facilitate faster recovery. These can include,
    • Wait until the anesthesia wears off to eat or drink hot items.
    • Take medication as prescribed.
    • Eat a soft diet.
    • Rest with your head elevated.
    • Maintain excellent oral hygiene.
    • Use a cold compress.
    • Hydrate adequately.
  • How long does a root canal recovery take?
  • After the procedure, side effects like pain and swelling should fade away in the first week. The tooth can take 2 – 4 weeks to heal completely.
  • Can I get complications?
  • While rare, there are risks. Contact our endodontist in Danbury, CT, if you experience severe symptoms like bleeding, pain, swelling, fever, and abscess.
  • Will I need a dental crown?
  • While not a must, placing a crown after a root canal is essential to strengthen the tooth and minimize the risk of new infections.
  • Will the treated tooth last?
  • A root canal is your best chance to save your root. With proper oral hygiene practices and habits, your treated tooth can last for a lifetime.
  • Does a root canal fail?
  • A dentist can fail to adequately clean away bacteria and debris from a tooth, especially if it has complex canals.
  • What can I do if my root canal fails?
  • If your tooth still has enough structure, the dentist or endodontist can perform a re-treatment. If not possible, the only option would be an extraction.
  • Can a tooth discolor after a root canal?
  • A tooth can discolor after a root canal due to a pulpal hemorrhage. Fortunately, you can get a crown to improve the tooth’s appearance.
  • Do I need to see a specialist for a root canal?
  • A general dentist or specialist can perform a root canal. First, you can see a dentist near you. If necessary, they will refer you to an endodontist.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Are you interested in a root canal? Contact Danbury Smiles – George Landress, DDS, MAGD, for more information.

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